recent essays online // ensayos en línea recientes

“On Translating Antonio Gamoneda.” Poetry Magazine

“Transforming the Singular: Thoughts on Translation and Collaboration.” Modern Language Notes

“Dismantling the Myth of Originality: Translation, Collaboration, Solidarity.” Action Books Blog

“Nuestra América: El posicionamiento estratégico y la política de la traducción. Buenos Aires Poetry

“Nuestra América Strategic Positionality and the Politics of Translation.” Action Books Blog

“Tracing Through Transparency: Translating Ida Vitale”. Latin American Literature Today

“How Should We Review Translations?”. Asymptote

“Manifesto?” in Asymptote

“Why We Chose It” in the Kenyon Review

Translator’s Note: “from a red barn” in Poetry

“Seven Poems by José Emilio Pacheco” in Los Angeles Review of Books

“Juan Gelman or ‘about a truth that didn’t believe in death’” in Los Angeles Review of Books

“Los retos de la traducción literaria” en La raíz invertida.

“An Interview with Víctor Rodríguez Núñez” in Asymptote.